Originally Posted by pletby
Well it turns out I do have a rear brake sticking intermittently.
I put my car up on stands today and found my parking brake problem. There is a cut through 2 layers of rubber that protects my brake cable. The cable hangs down as it goes further back on my car, and then bends upwards to the brake caliper. The U that is created collects water that freezes the cable in place.
Since leaving the parking brake off, I noticed one cold morning that I couldn't apply the parking brake because it had frozen in the unlocked position.
I'll have to research how much cost and effort replacing the cable will be, otherwise I might just attempt to dry the cable all summer and then seal the damaged rubber with hot glue or some such substance.
Wish I would have noticed the cable damage before replacing the perfectly good calipers. The remanufactured ones are quickly rusting, unlike the factory calipers.