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Old 01-04-2015, 12:52 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cobb View Post
IamIan, I find what runs my laundry bill up is the hot water and heat needed. Me, I have a small hot water heater and run it once a week for an hour and Im good. With a load of laundry I need it on for a few hours for each load.
I wash everything in cold water anyway , so I don't expect that it make much difference for my future hot water usage... I used to line dry clothes a few years ago .. if it costs too much for machine dry I can just go back to that again.

Originally Posted by vskid3 View Post
I believe at least one tiny house builder has their's certified as RVs, so one could even take out an RV loan to buy one.
If it's a certified RV build you can use a bank RV loan to buy it .. just walk in to bank of your choice and ask about their RV loans .. and you can park it anywhere an RV can go.

I know of these two who offer RV certified builds.

Tumbleweed Link
($760 for DYI plans .. about ~$60k prebuilt and RV certified)
They are also one of the few who offer financing. 10% down 6% APR means about ~$500/month. If you aren't using your own bank RV loan.
I'm going to their 2 day 'work shop' / show in Boston this month.

TinyHappyHomes Link
Prebuilt and RV certified range from $16k to $60k depending on size and features... The RV certified ones you can get a bank RV loan for .. TinyHappyHomes require 25% down.
I'm going to their 'open house' this month.

Originally Posted by Cd View Post
I'd love to chip away at that rent payment, but wonder what additional cost that there is with a tiny house.
What about property taxes or whatever ? What are the hidden costs ?
Depends on where you park it ... if you park it in an RV or Trailer park you'll have their fees ... but no land taxes , and those fees sometimes include other things ... if you park it on a regular lot of land you'll have property taxes + utilities ... no matter where you park it you'll have insurance costs ... call up the insurance company of your choice and ask them for a quote for a $60k RV insurance policy.

Some locations in the US have zoning issue if you park it on a lot and declare it as your 'full time' residence... others don't care .. and none care if your parked in a RV park type space.
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Last edited by IamIan; 01-04-2015 at 01:02 PM..
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