Nice work Daox!
I'll try to answer some questions as good as I can from my limited experience with printing. Correct me if I'm wring.
Material costs are none existing. I would guess $1.00 for that knob if it is constructed hollow. The time to print a part like that would take for the printer I'm using 2-3 hours. I think the 3d-printing manufacturing process is still in the experimental phase and it's not always easy to get the quality you want. A simple change in printing parameters affects so many things like warping, part bonding to print table and surface quality. Also printing a smaller or bigger part requires different settings. Not to mention different colors or different materials. If you want a part printed "100% perfect", it usually takes many tries to get it right.
Usually 3d-printed parts are not solid. From my experience by bending and breaking parts I think more than 3 surface layers do not make the part any stronger. The bond between layers is the limiting factor. Also more than 25% support inside the part doesn't make the part much stronger.