Originally Posted by spacemanspif
Thanks Aero, but I think you misunderstood. I'm looking to have my dam farther BACK from the inlet. So there would be a gap of a few inches between the inlet and the dam; the dam would not be directly at the rear of the inlet. Will the dam still create cooling flow in this set-up or does it HAVE to be right behind the inlet?
*without a NACA submerged inlet,or a Bauman scoop protruding below the boundary layer,there's no reason for the air to rise up into your radiator duct.
*GM positioned their air dams directly below the inlet and tilted them such to produce an auxiliary forward stagnation point,plus provide a deflection of the flow up into the duct.
*If you move the dam too far rearward you can lose all the pressure it creates.
*The dam will produce a low pressure behind itself and if this region is communicated to the rear of the radiator it will assist in the flow.
*If you add capping plates forward of the airdam,to move the positive pressure forwards you will create a parachute.