Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
I just beat my personal record for winter biking: Last winter the coldest I rode to work (20km each way) was -5°C. About a month ago I rode 2 or 3 days with -8°C, while yesterday evening it was -10°C when I returned home. This morning I saw -13.5°C on the thermometer and still took the bike, but cheated - I took the train for 2/3 of the way. The return was on bike, but it was "only" -7°C, so I even broke a sweat
Last year I read an interview in which a doctor gave tips on biking in cold weather. One of them was that biking for more than an hour in temperatures below -10°C can be a health hazard.

My personal record is -27°C but only 15km so it wasn't as far as you go.

Have to admit that I love to ride in winter especially when a fresh snow is lying on the ground. It feels like I was a ghost the ride is so silent.
Regarding health hazard. You have to keep your feet and hands warm, use ski goggles, protect your face with a ski mask and you'll be fine