Originally Posted by dcb
Any chance you can learn the timing of the light and hang it out on that left turn? Brake a little early rather than a lot and late, and carry a higher momentum through the light of course (assuming good timing)
I have thought about that. The problem is, the road I am coming in on is a back road. I used to could coast off of the mountain all the way to the end of the road and to the stop sign. This new road runs right across the old one, and is at the point where I have reached my top speed. I would have to crest the mountain at 0 mph and coast from a standstill to have any chance of timing the light. I think the biggest hindrance to trying to time the light is also the fact that the road I am coming from has very little traffic compared with the US highway that now intersects it. The left turn light will probably be red at almost all times. It is also a very sharp angle, and I doubt I could carry much more than 25 mph through it without severe protesting from my Geo.
I think my best shot will be to hopefully gauge the light that goes directly across and take the same route I have always taken. I can maintain full speed through that light if I get lucky. It's just unlikely to be green very often
Looking at this with the glass half full, my old route is likely to be much less crowded. Though traffic was never close to a grind or standstill, it was substantial enough to hinder P&G.