Originally Posted by dirtydave
But I come home yesterday and my girl has the wall heater on 70*F and the space heater on at the same time. Shes sitting in the living room and the lights and tv are on in the bedroom.
Block thermostat so that it can't go higher than 65 degrees or whatever you deem reasonable. Place timers/motion sensors on electrical outlets.
Originally Posted by REDPOINT
Also, do full loads of laundry only.
And if you have more than one load be sure to get the second, third, etc. load into the dryer immediately after the previous load dries. That way successive drying loads can dry faster because the dryer is already warm.
Use led motion sensor night lights with rechargeable batteries. Even with recharging the batteries, after the initial battery and charger cost it will be less expensive than turning on most lights when waking in the middle of the night.