ran some simulations for 36kw @ 510v/70a. (510 because svpwm, hmm sounds like hubeners pack)
freq: 20k
battv: 144
batt/inductor avg A: 260 (160min/355max, triangular)
min inductor to avoid discontinuous mode: ~ 26uh
peak/avg switch current ~355/190
duty cycle %66
I think this is how the prius (mgr perhaps) 25kw boost does it too, doesn't run all the time, beefy inductor with few turns and large conductor, beefy igbt switch, available at a junkyard near you
(The whole inverter can be something of a 50kw-75kw bargain with a custom logic board.)
It would allow operation at v/hz < battv/510 with minimal losses, or something like that, below a certain rpm.