Hey everybody it has been a solid 9 months since I last posted so I wanted to update.
I have changed things up so many times on this build that my brain needed a solid vacation lol

I was trying to build the perfect all encompassing vehicle and while that may be possible it was not with the Spitfire/GT6 platform. The Spit/GT6 platform however is extremely well suited for a fuel efficient extremely economical small diesel hybrid vehicle.
The Urba Centurion plans build car located here
128-mpg Diesel-Powered Sports Car is a very good example of what is possible. An even better example is Crazy Jerry's version Centurion #3 which thread is parked here on this site and recently co won the Toyota Green Grand Prix. Crazy Jerry proved that much could still be optimized with the original Centurion planset. With that not only efficiency was improved but also performance to the point Centurion #3 is now freeway capable at today's standards.
While much has been done thus far I still see a lot of potential for improvement but would require a departure from the original planset. This is where my Tigon build will begin. Instead of a planset I will offer a body kit turning it into more of a kit car so to speak. Instead of trying to use the Spit/GT6 chassis for all my various engine selections I decided to just build it with the 2 cylinder and save the TDI engines for there own scratch built chassis platforms.
The big reason for this is the Spitfire and GT6 components are simply not engineered for big torque. The rear end design of the Spitfire and GT6 is not meant for big speed. However what it is well suited for is a very fuel efficient freeway capable everyday use commuter car. With the right design and component selection a person can have an extremely reliable low cost Eco vehicle.
So with that said the Spit/GT6 chassis I have will be utilized for only small 2 cylinder hybrids. This will simplify things as well as speed things up. The body kit will bolt directly to a standard Spitfire/GT6 chassis with little modifications.