If you just checked in to tell me that I am a head case, please do not bother. So, I have been having fun with my roommates. If one stays much longer, he will be the first roommate who cleans that lived here for very long. I have cleaned up after the other guys for most of the time that I have lived here. That one "deep cleaned" the kitchen while I was at drill, but threw away many of my things in the process, and I needed to tell him to move the kitchen table from the living room. I have also seen him in a bathrobe more than I have seen him wear clothing. In the back of the refrigerator, I found an old bottle of pasta sauce, which one of them grabbed from my hands and threw in the garbage. I pulled it out and while they shouted at me and one talked about how wasteful recycling can be, with the others agreeing, I rinsed out the bottle and put it in the recycling.
Not that it makes any difference, since they put all of their garbage in the recycling.
So, today I came home to this: