Originally Posted by jeff88
Hypothetical situation time... Lets assume somebody had an alternator disconnect that automatically connected and disconnected based on various parameters. Let's use the AutoSpeed BSFC graph as a reference.
Jeff, that's brilliant.
Also, it occurs to me that although a BSFC chart is at the foundation of the indicator lights you conceptualized a few messages ago, what we really need is an indicator for ASFC -- Acceleration Specific Fuel Consumption (new term?). The nut of the driving problem for us is how to get from one speed (zero or whatever you are moving at) to a higher speed with the least investment of consumed fuel. A logic board with inputs from an accelerometer and the OBD-II's gal/hour computation could feed an LCD screen could give the result of dividing those two instantaneous quantities. During acceleration we then use that instead of the %-Load or vacuum readout on an UltraGauge or ScanGauge. (At constant speed or coasting it doesn't matter, just during acceleration.) That would give a direct reading of what is really of interest to us.