So back in September I started this thread about some issues I was having.
Well I haven't been driving the KIA much because work has slowed down to a crawl and I have been doing work online and around the house. Also searching for boat-tail materials.
The other day I went to the dollar store and heard a terrible noise, front left tire. I figured the wheel bearing took a crap. Great timing! U-turn in the middle of the road, 5 MPH limp back to the house. Put my finger on the brake pad / rotor. HOT AS HELL. look for a tire iron. no luck. found one made in china in the shed and it snapped right off. Its raining. a job for another day.
Fast forward to today. Bartered a friend for a american made steel tire iron! 1970's era!
Look strange? Yeah man! I broke the damn lug nuts right off the bolts!
This was stuck between the dust guard / rotor! Making the terrible noise!
NOW I am going to replace the tie rod ends and the wheel bearings.
(I didn't beat winter to the job

Shouldn't be too hard. I have never done it but I spent about 2-3 hours on Youtube and in my Haynes manual today. If can borrow the tools I can do it! Seriously.... nothing to lose here! I'm not a pro (If for some strange reason you couldn't tell.) But I'll do my best!
Hopefully the rotor is OK on the inside... All original bolts are still stuck.
PB blaster all around!! Working with a slim $99 for this job! RockAuto + email coupon!!
Let's do it!
snow tomorrow, maybe not tomorrow