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Old 01-15-2015, 09:02 AM   #32 (permalink)
Curious Newcomer
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: Flat Prairie of ND
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Wow... Thanks for that great info!

I didn't know I could get a Honda Insight for that price!

Looking around, there's a pretty nice one for under $3000. Looking at the Carfax on it, it looks like it's been a bit neglected and likely needs another tranny fluid change, but all in all, looks like a decent vehicle.

It's a 2001, but looks like the guy bought it with a loan, took care of it, paid it off, and then took out a shady second loan on the vehicle for cash. He defaulted on his payments, and after 3 years they managed to Repossess it. Sell it at auction to a dealer, and there it sits... Overpriced by about $500, but not too bad looking.

I just bought a bunch of stocks on the stock market, made some major repairs to my house and put in a new water softener, so I'm a bit low on money, but I will definitely keep an Insight in mind for my future vehicle!

For the short term, I'm going to look into possibly buying some gauges to put into my Camry or Impala to start learning better driving habits. I'll also have to start leaving earlier for work too.
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