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Old 01-16-2015, 10:29 PM   #12 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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b@stard child - '02 Chevrolet Cavalier
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I took the shorter city route in to work today and had forgotten all the excellent coasting opportunities afforded. Until I get an ultragauge or similar I won't really have concrete numbers but if I had instrumentation it would be a lot easier to adjust my driving. The only downer is the traffic. The lights aren't too bad and I know how they're timed but add a bunch of mid day traffic and there's a lot of variables. My preference would be to take the longer freeway route to work since traffic is always moving and take the city route home at night when traffic is minimal. Until they finish the night work they've been doing on the road ill probably stick to the freeway. The rail crossings aren't a huge issue since I always shut off the motor as soon as the gates come down and don't start again til they're going up.
That leads me to another question...
I can avoid one of the crossings all together by taking a road that passes under a viaduct. There's less traffic on that road and no stoplights but the hill after the crossing is extremely steep but not very long. The route that has an at grade rail crossing is still fairly steep but isn't nearly as long with a few stop lights and a lot more traffic.
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