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Old 07-22-2008, 10:22 AM   #27 (permalink)
needs more cowbell
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pimp mobile - '81 suzuki gs 250 t
90 day: 96.29 mpg (US)

schnitzel - '01 Volkswagen Golf TDI
90 day: 53.56 mpg (US)
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I *just* printed that data. $3 worth of gas a year at $0.75 a gallon times 125million vehicles (for the US). That would be 4 gallons per vehicle per year, or 500 million gallons annually for the United States to keep the DRLs on.

And the data suggests that it INCREASES the risk to pedestrians and bicyclers (and motorcyclers), the lowest fuel consumers who deserve the biggest break from vehicular terrorism IMHO. But there may be other factors of course, gotta study the studies to try and rule out things like increased cellphone usage and whatnot.
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