Originally Posted by The_Jed
I think there's a bit of a parabolic curve for the returns realized by taller gearing. Sure, at a steady state lower rpms will usually equal better f.e. but, the effort required to accelerate to that speed or maintain it against aerodynamic drag will be increased with the taller gears.
I think there's a compromise "sweet spot" for gearing that will yield the best overall f.e. while not necessarily the best in any one set of conditions. That being said, something may be wrong. Your car is 800-1,000 lbs lighter than mine and I have no overdrive yet the worst tank f.e. EVER for my car was about 13 mpg and that was with lots of playing in the snow.
You could build on very potent and efficient Fox with junkyard parts! I could write my parts list (I've done TONS of research over the years) if you'd like.
Yes please, I would appreciate that! As for the oil choice, yea, I went so heavy because I know this engine is old and I don't want a lack of lube anywhere. As for changing it from winter to summer, I have had the car for about 6-7 months now, and have only put about 1500 miles on it. I didn't have the money to replace the spark plugs/wires/cap and rotor, and it was running quite rough so I didn't drive it very much. Right now it's in non-op with no insurance (state farm wants 60$ a month, double what my insight is). Can't afford to insure and work on it. I know 60$ doesn't seem like much, but 60$ is a set of doors (I passed on a couple sets of 2 that were in good condition that I regret) or a smog pump, etc etc.