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Old 07-22-2008, 10:37 AM   #26 (permalink)
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I tend to get turned off when Gore and his rich elitist friends talk. Here’s a group that waste much more energy than the typical American, but then tries to justify their waste by stating that they are buying “Carbon Credits” to offset their excessive waste/usage. Give me a BREAK.
If they really cared, they would be fighting to make it so the average American would qualify for the tax credits/incentives for alternative energy sources for their residences (solar panels, wind turbines for example) and hybrid vehicles. As it is now, you have 2 groups that will go for the alternative energy sources and hybrid vehicles-The rich and the elite that qualifies for the credits and incentives and the hardcore environmentalist that, while they don’t qualify for the credit and incentive, they want to make a difference.
I’d like to consider myself to be a environmentalist, but sadly, I don’t make enough to pay for solar panels or a hybrid.

So while I have deviated slightly, let me get back to my Gore bashing. Gore is such a hypocrite. As long as he and the rich elitist group that worships him can justify their wasteful energy consumption by buying “carbon credits” and they try telling us what we must do, I will continue to ignore him and do what I can to make a difference on my own. He and his elitist group needs to gets off their elitist behinds and actually start practicing what they preach. They also need to lower the cost of alternative energy so ALL of us, not just the elite, can AFFORD it.
I drive-
11 Hyundai Elantra GLS
16 Honda Pilot LX
And a 1907 Baldwin Steam Locomotive (Really)
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