I think you guys were too flustered to see my post...so here it is again, just wondering if anyone knows, Thanks and keep it civil
Originally Posted by dann_04
I think we have strayed a bit from the topic...but quick question aside from the value of a life, on older cars they used generators which always make voltage no matter what speed they are spinning, unlike the alternatoer which has a cut in speed. So would a generator vary the load on an engine depending on the watts used? and if not is that a viable option to swap out a generator for an alternator? Seems like a better choice than some of the people who are dropping the alternator all together. I dunno, discuss.
And as for the save a life question...kind of an obnoxiously worded question, but i for one don't typically see the point of running lights, but i talked to my gf and she says she has pulled out infront of a few vehicles without seeing them(she claims because their lights are off) so i guess in some cases it could prevent an accident, especially with all the sliver and grey cars that blend in with the road here. On my scooter the light is on all the time and i can say i wouldn't want to turn it off if i could because alot of people don't see me already so that would be even worse.