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Old 01-22-2015, 11:05 PM   #107 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Originally Posted by 23baseball3 View Post
I think with all of the input and all of the clashing opinions and speculations about preferences and criteria, it might be best to just take a step back and think about things yourself. Sometimes, 11 heads aren't better than 1. Rethink your criteria, simplify your needs and weed out your automatic no's (like if you don't like Kia, don't let someone pitch you to buy a Kia, you'll just second guess yourself and then the second guessing will never end). It might be time to sort the wants from the necessary. If you find everything perfect in a car, but it's a bright obnoxious green, maybe you'll just have to sacrifice that.
I don't care what it says on the car. IF it looks decent and fits criteria I am happy. Everyone is helping me in here to learn and conclude to a better solution. I know it's messy, but its progress and if progress were easy everyone would be doing it. I'm going to continue to grind and find the correct car and then another correct car and so on & eventually I'll be able to maintain my own cars and maybe some day be able to give back to the community with what I've learned.
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