OK, so here's what's happening with my paralleled 350F supercap bank.
The car's CANBUS only switches the alternator on a few seconds after the engine is started.
So with the battery sitting at ~12.6v, the car starts and stumbles as apparently the supercap is drawing so much power that the coils are being starved. The voltage will typically sit at 11.x volts until the alt comes on line.
Interestingly, if I EOC and bump start, much the same thing happens, the battery voltage sags to about 11.6v until the alt fires.
I fitted the supercap to prolong battery life, now it seems like it might be having the opposite effect? I suppose some sort of charging limitation has to be implemented on the cap but the car's under warranty so I think my options might be limited?
I'm adding a 100w solar panel next week so I wonder if that could be arranged as the supercap's only charge source?
Any input appreciated.