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Old 01-25-2015, 01:56 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Honda Insight Gen 1 - GAZ Rear Shocks - Group Buy - Ongoing Every 6 Orders

I've ordered nearly 80 pairs of these shocks for users on InsightCentral and decided to extend the offer to users on this site as well.

Here are the details:

I'm going to make this an ongoing group buy, every 6 pairs that get paid for/ordered, I will place an order and redistribute once I get them. By joining in on the group buy you end up saving about $40 off the price of the shocks, but the biggest savings come from the price of the shipping - I don't know the exact amount but from reading other members experiences it was about $60 or $70 for shipping alone.

The price will be $225 per pair shipped to your door (add $30 for shipping to Canada $255 total). Stock shocks currently retail for about $460 per pair and you can find them for about $340 per pair at g1parts. These GAZ shocks are adjustable (22 different settings), have the same travel as stock shocks, can be rebuilt, and mount directly into place the same as the OEM options (the only difference being that a plastic spacer/washer should be used between the shock and the body of the car to prevent corrosion from dissimilar metals being in contact with each other).

If you want more than one pair add $215 for each additional pair. If shipping two pairs or more to Canada please contact me for a shipping quote. I'm located in South Florida, if you want to pick them up from me it's $210 per pair.

Once the order is placed it takes about 3 weeks for GAZ to build the shocks, they are then sent overnight to me, I repackage them and ship them to you via USPS priority mail. All told it should take you about 4-5 weeks for you to receive them once I place the order.

Payment can be made via paypal at or you can send check or money order to me (please contact me via PM, at the email above, or call or text me at 305-979-4993 for my address) You can also contact me with any questions and I'll do my best to answer you ASAP and if I don't know I'll contact GAZ and ask them.

When you make payment please include the following information:
-Your real name
-Your Username
-Shipping Address
-Phone number (this is so I can contact you quickly if I have an issue entering your address into the USPS website)



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