Hello again,
As far as I gathered from little additional information available from other sources on the web, these electronics do the following:
- produce the desired voltage level for use in motor controller via dc/dc-converter
- monitor and protect the cell during charge and discharge (like a bms)
- provide the cell with appropriate power for charging (like battery charger)
- every cell provides it "high voltage" via its electronics in parallel into a common line, thereby adding up each "little" available current per cell instead of traditionally adding up the little voltage per cell by setting them up in series.
The cells don't have direct contact to each other anymore. The cell only "sees" the outside world through the electronics. The mockup that was shown in one of the news articles suggested, the electronics would be bolted to the battery terminals and roughly be the same size as the.top of the battery itself.
Sounds to good to be true - no balancing nessecary anymore; no extra charger to find room for in the car; full power available from the pack without having to worry about killing a cell...
On the Run.
Last edited by On The Run; 01-26-2015 at 03:02 AM..