led battery warning light ~ for kill switch ~ not working yet
I'm hooking up an led light at eye level at the edge of the hood that mimics the battery warning light, so I won't have to look at the dash. However, ideas are needed, as the light is not working yet.
> led light with wires, tested at battery to be good;
> spliced into alternator warning light wire at 10p connector by power steering fluid;
> verified this is the right wire (blue/white), as it doesn't work on the dash after cut;
> led light piggybacked from b/w wire to ground ~ led light doesn't work;
> current from b/w wire, through led only, back through b/w wire ~ led doesn't work;
> regular battery light works as usual when spliced together ~ but not the led light.
The led light does have a resistor. Could that be the reason it's not working?
Or is the dash light getting power from somewhere else, other than the blue/white wire?