Thankfully Ive never had to deal with any kind of vehicle inspection. Thatd be another heckuva blow to the dwindling northern Michigan economy if we did. Half the cars owned around here would probably fail and many would cost more to fix than theyre worth. And all the money paid in inspections would just go to Lansing and get funneled to downstate.
Now my friend is near Asheville NC and has to deal with them. As with most things it seems to matter where you go. First time he took his 91 Regal in and they failed him because the parking brake didnt fully engage with one press. He showed them right on the pedal, and in the manual, where it said "PUMP TO SET". Still the narrowminded jerks failed him. So he went somewhere else and passed just fine. This last time he had a Malibu that ran great but the horn didnt work, and they passed him as long as he was going to fix it by next year.
Thats cool, free dyno run (free cause you gotta do it anyway). Id like that.
Winter daily driver, parked most days right now
Summer daily driver