Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Neat. I'm surprised that, being a regular around here, you were able to be coached into even more savings.
I lost interest when I realised it was a diesel megane..
Seriously though, always room for improvement!
Then again, I suspect many of your colleagues had both (a) larger percent improvements, and (b) higher overall fuel consumption.
my "before" mpg was above most of the colleagues "after" mpg

so yep, they saw higher %mpg improvements
PS - what's block upshifting? Skipping a gear?
And what were you doing that was preventing the engine stop/start system from activating?
old car habits die hard- a conked out car at lights is the worst nightmare of the jalopy driver!
that, and the instructor asked me to leave it running on the first run- so he could introduce it into the 2nd (so at least some of the saving was "gamesmanship")
there's no hope for some folk