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Old 07-22-2008, 10:50 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Formula413 View Post
I'm going to ignore the life and death/flamewar tangent and try to touch on the original topic.

I have an amplifier in my car driving a sub box. The amp is always running when the key is in the acces. or on position whether the stereo is on or not. I know this because I hear the little cooling fan whirring. What I'm wondering is, is the amp drawing a significant amount of power in this state, while it is powered on but not actually amplifying an audio signal? It would not be hard to make a switch to turn it off completely, there is a small wire tapped into the ignition switch that sends +12V to the amp to let it know to turn on. Any thoughts?
The 12v remote on wire on your amp should be wired to the remote on lead on your head unit(it's normally blue) This way it will only get the signal to turn on the amp when the radio is on. It also allows you to put a switch in that line allowing you to easily turn on and off your sub for when you go by cops or just don't want the sub on but want to listen to music still(certain songs sound better without it and sometimes the mother in law doesn't appreciate a woofer lol).
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