Thread: electic diesel
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Old 02-09-2015, 06:26 PM   #7 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by crash_ndie View Post
Hi all, Ive got an old vauxhall 2.3td frontera 4x4 (thats a G.M holden over your end, i think ) an been toying with the idea of putting a big v8 in it
I'm a die-hard dieselhead, but I gotta agree that dropping a V8 into a Vauxhall Frontera would be cool. But what would be your choice for a V8? Anyway to keep running costs low you could still try LPG (or CNG if you could get it back there) and even homebrewed ethanol.

Am thinking of a small diesel engine running a 3phaze generator with d.c. rectifiers (i don't know if that would be more power per rotation or not??) but instead off using direct drive from the motor to the prop-shaft, am thinking of connecting the motor to the existing flywheel, clutch and gearbox. My train of thought is i can run the geny at peak fuel efficiency and the motor wont need a large surge to set off as it will be able to geared up and down.
Which small Diesel would you consider? Some 3-cyl Yanmar TNV? BTW this way you could also consider using veggie oils as fuel.
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