Truthfully and this is JMHO, I think people today go out of their way to find things to get offended by. In my 37 years, I've been called geek, nerd, gearhead, hood, long hair, skin head, tree hugger and several other less polite names. The point is, who cares. If I got my shorts in a twist everytime someone arbitrarily dropped me in group without knowing me, I wouldn't be able to function on a daily basis. lol
I can't legitimately call myself a hyper miler or eco driver (2001 Jeep Wrangler), but I have changed my driving habits to try to increase mileage.
Now, my wife and friends call me a 'grandpa driver'. Not so flattering, but you have to do what you have to do. Thinking of doing a front end mod to ease the big, square grill of my jeep. I know for a fact that I'm going to catch hell for it, but if it gets me to 19 mpg then so be it....