I'd like to get a vacuum gauge anyway to help me drive efficiently, but having a second one for the brake booster would be pretty groovy too.
I think a vacuum gauge will be my next mod. Maybe I can mount a switching valve inline so I can check both levels with the same gauge. I searched for a dual-needle gauge online, but was unable to find one.
Can you get an electronically controlled air-switching valve? Then you could have it read engine vacuum while the engine is running and brake vacuum when it's off!
Hrmmmmmm... Got me thinking now!
You could switch it electronically if you had 2 electronic vacuum sensors and an electronic gauge... Then there'd be no vacuum loss/leakover when you switched the valve...
(after a bit more searching) OMG forget that. Electronic pressure/vacuum transducers are about 10 times the price of a gauge.
Last edited by millenniumtree; 07-23-2008 at 12:39 PM..