Originally Posted by sgtlethargic
I was surprised at how well the Camaro lines up with the AST. Thanks to seifrob and orangustang for the online AST tool- I've used it a lot.
Here is the Firebird of the same vintage
*With the Camaro's actual nose on the ground,the frontal area isn't aggravated that much.
*The minimized airdam gap lowers drag (Feisal Ahmed's Masters Thesis)
*With the sealed nose,we lose the entire cooling system drag.
*Cooling fan delete (1-hp @ 70-mph/ 8-hp @ 140-mph/ 64-hp @ 280-mph)
*With the nose down,the max camber point of the roof is moved aft,and the separation line with it.
*The nose drop also alters the apparent contour of the windshield header.
*The dropped nose kills the second stagnation point at the cowl.
*The Pro-Comp scoop alters the windshield area pressure spike due the favorable change in sectional density.
*The Pro-Comp scoop saves 150-hp due to reduced drag,compared to the exposed blower,scoop,and drive.
*Wiper delete.
*Mirror delete.
*The rake also affects the apparent backlight to boot geometry.
*The spoiler extension improves the fineness ratio.
*The 'flat' spoiler also kills any upwards deflected 'jet' of the original up-swept spoiler.
*The drag chute 'stuffs' some of the near wake.
*This car was tested with a full aluminum belly pan.
*The big GOODYEARs close some of the wheel/body gap,cleaning up the side flow a bit.
*MOONs are good for delta Cd 0.024.(GM's measurement at Lockheed Marietta)
*All these big and little things add up.