Originally Posted by spacemanspif
...that sets their forum preferences to display 50 posts per page?
Reading though some of the longer posts on this, and other sites, I always see people who jump in late and say "I didn't have time to read all 3 pages, but..." To which, I think to myself "why is this dude still set to 10 posts/page?"
Can anyone explain to me why you like clicking "next page" so much more than scrolling through 50 posts at a time?
Only reason is if you have a buggy connection or dialup.
Many web browsers will not display the page as it comes in anymore.
What this means is a blank page for 5-10 minutes and then bam, in the old days you could watch as the page formatted on the screen, honestly I miss those days, you could " see" if malware wanted to run.