Originally Posted by Fat Charlie
China makes real shoddy pieces of crap... like iPhones.
The company in China made exactly the part that its US customer specified. They said "ship me a container of crap I can push across my counter at an outrageous markup!" Don't blame the factory, blame the bean counters at the chain you were shopping at. They aren't prisoners to crappy factories, they're satisfied customers while their own customers blame the Chinese.
And yes, OE used can be a much better move than el-cheapo new. Years ago I had a guy at my counter complaining about cheap aftermarket blower motors that kept dying on him (three in the last year). I pulled mine and told him it was $150. That's when he really blew up- "What? They're only $50 downtown!!!" I smiled, said "And they don't last long, do they?" and put my box back on my shelf while he went to throw another $50 down the hole.
I put 3 blower resitors in the Ranger, in a year, parts from oreilly with lifetime warranty. When I sold it the gent who bought it went to Ford and bought one. Want to bet it's still working?
The point of the thread is, consider the cost versus the potential issues when buying replacement parts, From 60,000 hours experience consider a used OEM part before you buy cheap crap and consider the consequences seriously. You just spent two days replacing something buried by idiot engineers who never replaced a part on a car in their life, only to have the part fail almost immediately.