fyi, got tired of 120v charging and waiting on the cable so I cut the neutral to transformer lead, and drilled a small hole and fed a bit of 18 gauge into the case to connect the transformer to the 14-50 neutral, with a dab of silicone around the hole. wire just coiled around the cable. (edit, and I stabbed around the internal varistor goop and flexed it back and forth till it came out).
Also I didn't get to the updated power box, but had 2 legs of 120 on the existing box, (and was tired of waiting on the varistors) so I grabbed 2 $3 power strip surge protectors (15A), and unsoldered the cables and the varistors, and put the varistors in the plug, and put the cables in a female 14-50 for a quick 240v tap. So far so good. Will have to do better before it rains.
Note, I could use this adapter to find 240 via 120 outlets on different legs in the field. And a simple switch could make it work with 120 also (would be nice if it automatically detected 120, there's some room in the 14-50 female box, will see.).
Last edited by P-hack; 02-22-2015 at 10:20 PM..