It's set up for a hall effect throttle. If you have a 0-5k pot hooked up to it, and it was one of the wires connected to +5v -------- POT ----------- gnd (connected to the 2nd wire). And if you move the throttle to 0 Ohm, it would be +5v --------- 0 oHMS --------- GND.
Could that be what happened?
EDIT: also, it's an either-or setup. A pot resistor is needed to be added if you use that, and it must be removed if you use the hall effect.
Also, The only code is for field oriented control, which requires an encoder, and also requires that we go through the process of tuning the PI loop with a locked rotor, and then find the optimal rotor time constant before proceeding.
The nice thing is, the $5 5v regulator can be shorted all day long and will have a life of like 30,000,000 hours.
Last edited by MPaulHolmes; 02-23-2015 at 09:30 PM..