Since this is just a basic conversion, The engine bay just got a coat of primer, and a little rattle can black down around the bottom. This car was rust free, since it is from CA, so there was no rust for me to treat. Nothing pretty here, just function.
Here is the charger, controller, motor, and transmission in place
a couple wires
I re used the same hoakey vacuum tank and vacuum pump. A little noisy, but no need to spend money on a new pump and tank
I needed a new DC DC converter since my pack voltage is now 144 volts instead of the 120 volts that it was with the lead. The old DC DC was only good to 130 volts.
220 volt charging inlet. My welder extension cord plugs right into this.
I took it for a test drive to make sure all was well, and I giggled like a girl when I was able to roast the tires at 25 mph without popping the clutch. The smell of burning tires always makes me cheerful. I like to test drive my builds like this before I make them pretty, which is the next stage.