My parents first car was a DAF.
It was very small and cheap, yet one of the first cars to have a strengthened cabin so it would not collapse on a rollover.
It was therefore relatively heavy, what made the tiny air cooled 2 cylinder boxer engine struggle for ages to get it up to highway speed.
Also my parents retrofitted that new fad of the time - seat belts.
The car got swiped off the road at high speed with my parents, grandparents and me (then aged 3) inside.
It bounced and rolled over at least 5 times, according to witnesses.
At the first rollover both doors broke loose and were flung away.
My mothers arms and legs were swinging in the air through the void where the door had been, only her seat belt kept her in place.
We all survived and recovered to good health.
My mother had dislocated spinal discs, my father had a severe head wound, all had serious cuts and bruises and I was the only one conscious and able to walk right after the incident.
If the car had no roll rigidity it is likely that we all would have been killed.
Without the seat belts both my parents would have been thrown out of the car - at high speed, and maybe crushed by it.
We were saved by those, then cutting edge, safety innovations.
I knew people who have died in traffic accidents - of the kind that you'd expect to escape alive, if not unharmed, in a modern car.
I have owned and did ride a collection of motorbikes - but I had to leave the road to avoid smashing into a police car (!) coming from the opposite direction which swerved to my half of the road for no reason whatsoever at one of my first rides, and a moron on a roundabout who seemed to aim to hit me on one of my last rides. I no longer ride bikes.
I have endangered myself a few times over the decades, but have been put into a dangerous situation by other road users many more times.
I have been passed by a speeding car at insane speed, to see him crash into the car ahead of me.
I have seen (and made an emergency stop for, just avoiding) a farm vehicle crossing a busy 50 mph road without any consideration for traffic.
I've seen a semi flip over sideways at the highway.
I've seen cars crash and then dart uncontrollably through lanes of traffic.
I nearly got hit by a big tree branch breaking off in the storm just seconds before I passed it last December.
I can easily extend thist list of personal experiences further, but the gist is clear.
You can choose how much protection you have in case of an accident.
But you can't choose to drive and never have an accident, as long as there are other drivers / animals / trees / children / rocks / nails / you name it, in or around the road.
Leaving out safety gear that you can easily have does not make sense to me.
2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.
lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.
For confirmation go to people just like you.
For education go to people unlike yourself.
Last edited by RedDevil; 02-26-2015 at 04:33 PM..