block heater added
Cold starts at -21oC or colder had the engine complaining and turning over maybe half the speed of normal. Hard on the battery and engine!
So a few days ago we added a 430W block heater. It is a small element that replaces a bolt in the engine block and heats the coolant. The coolant heats transfers heat to the block. The coolant may be circulated by convection thus sharing the heat with more of the block (though I cannot verify this).
The difference in starting is significant. Yesterday it was -21 and the engine started moderately easily. The coolant temperature by the time I looked at my ScanGauge was 20oC. Today it is -20oC and I will remember to check coolant temperature right away and what the minimum it gets once the engine is on and the water pump is circulating. That may be a more accurate gauge of how much the engine is warmed.