Originally Posted by nemo
You'll have to wait until they return from Florida. 
Wrong part of the world haha. Nobody here is old, they all cashed out and moved up north a long time ago! Offshore money fuels this area, there is no local economy. Be it Americans taking advantage of the exchange rate, or money from China with the massive population they have here, if it wasn't for foreign dough everything would be dirt cheap here! I guess the fuel companies figured that out. As did the govt charging all the taxes on fuel. I'd bet my Civic that I see more low MPG new Mercedes, Bentleys, BMWs (the full size models) on a daily basis than anyone from anywhere else on this site. Lot value for a house where I live is $750k. Gee, go figure all the gas companies are taking advantage of it! Money here is monopoly money, as long as you aren't from here. Sadly, I am haha