I'm with Fat Charlie on this one. It's unfortunate but it seems like a fair cop (in the idiomatic sense).
I'm unfamiliar with the exact requirements of an inspection in B.C. but it's likely to be a safety inspection only. Things like the noisy throw out bearing and timing belt should be non issues. The water pump may be if it is leaking coolant onto the road surface.
The fluid leaks can be "cured" with an engine wash. I'm sure a coin operated pressure wash bay can be found. If there is a bad leak, consider a wipe with degreaser immediately prior to the inspection (out of sight of the inspection centre). A cold engine with high(er) viscosity oil will leak oil more slowly, if you can arrange that. Ethically questionable perhaps but no worse than if the inspection had never been demanded.
Referring to ecomods in particular:
The LED light bulbs are probably not going to pass on the basis they are not approved for auto use. The question mark would over the direction and intensity of the light they emit. An easy fix though.
Ride height too low may be a problem.
Disabled rear demist is a problem.
The aeromods are off now but most - the exception being the tail that does, at least in the images, partially obscure the rear lights - might go back on after the inspection. Is it possible to contact the officer involved and see what he is prepared to tolerate?