Originally Posted by jamesqf
Who needs a just-replaced IMA battery? I bought my 2000 Insight in '03 or '04, paid $8500, and have driven it about 140K miles since, at an average 71.2 mpg. So that's 1966 gallons of gas, or (figuring an average $3/gal over the period) $5899. Few other cars would have gotten even half that mpg, so figure I've saved at least $5K, and I'm still driving the car, with the original IMA battery.
Cowmeat's did apparently.
IMO 1st gen Insights don't belong in the debate, as there are no alloy bodied, streamlined, two seat sub compact ICE cars to compare it to. It's probably closest to an Elio trike which gets (should it actually be built) similar numbers.
All that said, if I did find a first gen manual Insight (at a guess they number since digits in my state), I'd buy it