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Old 03-11-2015, 10:46 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by spacemanspif View Post
This is interesting, thanks to ShinyMew for bringing this topic back up from the dead. I'm going to have to select "load" on my SGII and watch what my car is doing on the small hills I have on my commute. One day I hope to get my vacuum gauge installed because I like it's "instant" feedback compared to the SG's slight delay.

Just to clarify, you guys are saying that ALL hills are best climbed at 80% load? Is there a cut off where it's better to keep low load vs increasing load to 80%? For instance, let's say I set the cruise control and it's able to maintain the set speed up a hill and only gets up to 40% load; is it better to increase load, or just hang out at 40?

Don't watch load, watch either A:F, or closed loop vs open loop.
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