Yes, post #1 contains the shopping list and DCB keeps the code listing current. Direct any questions to him if you have a specific concern.
I went down the path of the serial Freeduino v2.0 from NKC Electronics. Since I didn't want a spaghetti mess for everything (LCD, buttons, interface components, etc.) hanging on the 'duino, I opted for the proto shield. All the connections are passed through so it was a sweet choice for a plug-n-go design.
I can pull the 'duino from the proto shield and use it in another project, if needed.
Also, there was some early concern with blowing the 'duino board, so transferring a bunch of individual connections wasn't my idea of progress. You can see my earlier attempt at the modularity somewhere in this thread's history. It turned out that I was trying to create what the proto shield already had.
The shopping list is the minimum, and yes, the proto shield does add to the cost, but it's a better choice in the long run, for my situation anyway. That is, short of a more compact all-in-one setup, like the one to put all the circuitry on a single PCB.
How much does it cost? Well, for me, here is my list, maybe others can add theirs:
Freeduino, serial v2.0: 16.99
Proto shield: 11.99
LCD 9.99
Enclosure 2.99
Total 41.96
This is not counting the buttons, connectors, hookup wire, heat shrink tubing, solder and any other items I had laying around or managed to scrounge/scavenge/beg/borrow/steal.
As you can see, opting out of the proto shield and enclosure can cut the cost almost in half. I like the neatness of the enclosure, myself, and the shield was a natural.