Weell, here in finland i think the emissions control is too strict. We don't have big cities full of cars, and even if we have the oldest cars in Europe (avg. Age 11yrs) almost all of them have a catalysator by now.
Helsinki is closest to a "big city". I felt the air was a lot more dense than air in my hometown, I visited helsinki in february.
But emissions limits are good in truly big cities, like in germany where diesel puffers flock the streets.
For example, we have (roughly estimated) 2,5 million cars in our country.
1 year of industrial development in asia causes more emissions than what finland produces in 10 years :-/
But on the positive side, alt fuels are being researched. Diesel made on wood leftovers, and RE85 is made from food industry waste.
If you don't make any mistakes in your life,
life itself will be a f*ckup.
With Volvo to Valhalla and back!