The sjoow finally showed up, but I still am running my extra bit of 18 gauge for now, ties the old neutral transformer connection to the 14-50 neutral.
finally pulled the juicebox carcass after getting no help from emw on why the board they built quit. It is overkill for an early unmodded leaf anyway. Some pics of the new setup, nothing too fancy.
Menards had one of these 30a rv boxes for like $35, cant find it now, guess I got lucky there, but I cut it up to add a cheap watt meter and a 120v socket. The price jumps to like $110 for a stock 120 socket now :/
RV Power Outlet Panel Rainproof 30A Breaker Eaton Cutler Hammer Single 1 Phase | eBay
$25 quad breaker 20/30/30/20
Quad Breaker HOMT2020230CP | eBay (had to cut off part of the rv plastic to get it to sit flush).
$8 14-50R round socket to replace 3 pronger
$3 20 amp 120 socket, tab removed, 1 on each leg, on seperate 20a breakers.
$12 watt tracker:
100A AC Digital LED Power Meter Monitor Voltage kWh Time Watt Voltmeter Ammeter | eBay
(monitors one leg current so one 120v socket can be watched also, or the other 120 used and not affect the kwh monitoring)
showing my last charge took 9.59 kwh. it is resetabble, otherwise cumulative.
Hope to have an excuse to upgrade to 50a breakers/feeder someday.