Originally Posted by IamIan
I'm personally applying Oakum's Razor ... Numerous other non-Austalian Markets did not see the I1 priced like it was in Australia ... this is true .. the one variable changed was taking the vehicle to sell in Australia .. without evidence to the contrary .. the simplest explanation is that it is Australia (the thing that changed) that is the cause (intentional or not) in the price difference.
I can apply Oakum's Razor too, no other car from a mainstream manufacturer in it's price range was affected to the tune of 150%, you have to go all the way up to an NSX at $250k to get near that (being taxed at a 3x rate accounts for much of that). The nearest example would be the G1 Prius (at just under $40k [ or ~100% - about 50% once the currency is factored in] though a relative bargain), which likewise 'sold at a loss' (whatever definition you apply to that).
If I consider the Australian market in isolation, the variable becomes the car. If the car was indeed unfairly penalised Honda could have appealed for an exemption and the cause would likely have been publicized by the motoring press (which I used to follow religiously at that time).
If the car was caught out by some unintended consequence I can't think of any car prior or since that got caught out do this degree. The G1 wasn't just expensive, it was crazy expensive with a payback into the millions of km vs a standard ECO car.
My perception of the G1 was always that it was a interesting car, but at that price about as relevant as today's VW XL-1.
FYI ... I don't mind continuing to discuss it ... but .. I also don't mind just agreeing to dis-agree either... I don't expect everyone to share my PoV.
I think we might be at that point. Thankyou to all on this thread for remaining civil. I think that shows what a great forum we have here