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Old 03-18-2015, 02:59 PM   #232 (permalink)
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Sentra at 8 cents a mile. 2001 Insight manual (in fla) $3500 and 5 cents a mile, both include insurance.

3 cents a mile into 3500, 3500 X 33= 115,500 miles to break even, if I decided to replace the Sentra with that 2001 Insight. That's the break even point, and any additional repairs taxes or insurance would only make that break even point further away. Which car might require more maintenance and repairs in the next 10 years is anyones guess but I would lean towards the Sentra being cheaper.

Yes I could recover some of my Sentra money by selling the car, but what will I have to spend on the Insight to get it to that level (of the Sentra right now).

Va would charge me $100 in sales tax on the purchase, the total DMV fees would be another $200 or 6600 miles more.

Bottom line for me is I am considering it, that Insight seems to me like a great deal, but giving up on the Sentra would cost me a lot less money if there was a catastrophic failure. Maybe some would argue that it is not a fair comparison, but for me it's fair and honest. I simply risk a lot less by staying my present course and pursuing my two seater that should do even better.

Is it worth spending $3500 to save me $35 a month?
8.33 years or more, maybe less.

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