yah you will need xc16 for the 16 bit mcu.
here is the zipped project folder (with .xls added due to upload limits on .zip, remove it from the filename)
THIS IS A STATIC SNAPSHOT, make no assumptions about how current it is, like the above, the intent was to test some hardware with the xc16 compiler BEFORE having to sort out the hundreds of megs of install, but hopefully it will help too. The code is surely out of date.
edit, sorry bout the contest paul. here are the finalists if anyone is interested:
MAKE ENERGY: A US-Mexico Innovation Challenge
lots of mediocre, the bioconverters are kinda interesting, liked the Vapour TorQ heat engine. Am pissed the hho cell made the list (Celda seca de hidrógeno) :/ seriously, wtf?
edit, this doesn't have sources in it :/ will try a different folder.