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Old 03-19-2015, 12:23 PM   #64 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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Location: Alaska
Posts: 100

n/a - '05 Ford Focus ZX3
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BTW, the way I got into doing a tune was that my first attempt to fix the insanely high idle on short trips (up to about 5 miles) than the Focus is known for was deleting the IAC valve (inlet air control) by blanking it off with a flat gasket and manually adjusting the throttle body for an idle of about 600. I left the IAC valve electrically connected to avoid any trouble codes. That worked perfectly for a day or two, until the ECU figured a way around it through adaptive learning (timing probably), and I was back to the high idle again. So I removed the blank gasket.

My tuner says he has the adaptive learning off, but oddly on my first run I still had the high idle. After that, it has been low as I like it after a few hundred feet of driving. (And that is with "go" immediately after startup.)

Originally Posted by spacemanspif View Post
... Who cares if it's all quick and dirty? We all love to see what everyone is working on. ...
Here you go -- winkles and all. It is pretty well blocked off except for the small rectangle in the lower middle and maybe some leakage arount the headlights and hood. The pipe insulation installation is pretty crude, but it is in the stagnation area, so likely doesn't matter. The wrinkles surely make turbulence though, but probably less drag than the radiator and engine bay did before.

I didn't notice before taking this photo, but at the very bottom of the bumper cover there is a cross-wise surface that is angled to direct airflow under the car. Still thinking about that one.
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Last edited by Focus-Ak; 03-19-2015 at 05:56 PM..
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