Thread: '94 celica
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Old 03-20-2015, 08:03 AM   #17 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Fingie View Post
In january, I go to the army to serve at least 6months, or for a year if i can apply to the transporting field.

(its obligatory in finland to serve at least half a year in the military, or if you do civilian service it's a full year)
In my country it's obligatory to enlist, but actually there are no vacancy for all the boys who turn 18 each year.

After that, I'll start with some heavier mechanical mods.

I think a taller-geared gearbox would be nice.
I'd rather try to find a gearbox with a wider gear spread, lower gears and a taller differential. BTW which gearbox is currently fitted into your ride?

Or ill spare the celly and buy something else with a cheaper insurance :-D

Like a vw Lupo/seat arosa
What about a Fiat Seicento?
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