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Old 03-22-2015, 08:32 PM   #1 (permalink)
In Lean Burn Mode
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MisFit Talon - '91 Eagle Talon TSi
Team Turbocharged!
90 day: 63.95 mpg (US)

Warlock - '71 Chevy Camaro

Fe Eclipse - '97 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS
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Thumbs down Kid giving me crap about my Ecomodder shirt

I was out getting some more parts for my Talon today and got confronted about my Ecomodder shirt.

Kid's quote.
"Ecomodder what the Hell is that? Do you race Prius's or something?"

I responded... "nope it's about driving techniques and performance mods to improve the vehicles efficiency to save fuel and improve your FE".

Kid "why".

Me "Because Efficiency is the future. Do more with less so to speak".

Kid "That's cool if you like to drive a slow ass Prius's then knock yourself out".

Me "I don't own a Prius I own a 91 Talon that I have been working on for the last five years to be more fuel efficient.

Kid "So you made your Talon slow to get better gas mileage???"

Me "Nope made it faster to get more gas mileage".

Me "Maybe we can race sometime this Summer at our track? What kind of car do you have".

Kid "I don't own a car I have a Dodge Ram Diesel that's got exhaust, chip something, injector something bla bla bla".

Me "Cool then we can race sometime this Summer"???

Kid "Wait is your talon turboed"???

Me "Yes its just a little 13g auto turbo". Then I show a pic.

Kid "$hit that is stock I'll have no problem with that hahaa".

Me "So you would be willing to put some money on it then".

Kid "How about a $100.00"???

Me " Naw how about $20.00??? That should be enough for me to fill my next tank".

Pressure Gradient Force
The Positive Side of the Number Line

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